
Stacks of Pumpkins :: The White House

I adore pumpkins and . . . I adore stacks.
I've even written about my love
of stacks of books and luggage - here & here & here.

So, it will come as no surprise that I was delighted to find the White House
had covered the north lawn and portico with glorious stacks of gourds,
pumpkins and squash for their Halloween event.

So simple - so effective.

Of course, I'm trying to figure out the method for keeping all those
pumpkins standing so tall. I'm thinking . . . cut off top stems and treat
the entire stack like a big shish kabob. Your thoughts . . ?


vicki archer said...

Skewers must be the way....great glorious pumpkins, Judith...xv

My Castle in Spain said...

Totally fun...just imagine playing hide and seek in this pumpkin forest !
Happy day to you Judith !

P.Gaye Tapp at Little Augury said...

give to the White House! how great and creative and festive with no pagan carved jacks in sight. pgt

Linda Sue said...

MMM Pumpkin shish kabob pie!


Good evening
Your blog is fantastic, so lovely photos.
Wish you a nice week

Ingrid Mida said...

Stacks are your thing.... Must be some skewer type of thing and/or a lot of hot glue/rubber cement. LOL!

My Castle in Spain said...

hello again...
forgot to tell you.. the paper used for the rosette is from old French school books belonging to my mom..mmm....at first she didn't really like the idea ! :-)

Meine Dinge Franka said...

I have no idea! :-)

I just adore the *pumpkin sculpture*!
