
The Very TALL Stack :: The Book Garden I

A stack of books can tell you a lot about someone.
When that stack is over four feet high ... . .

you can start to puzzle about how someone views the world.
(and why they might own two of the same book ... . )

Photographs always help me see that which surrounds me in
a different light. Photos of my own books are a small trip
down memory lane . .. . . remembering each book, when I
read it and , often, who recommended it or shared it with me.

Stack of words. Stacks of images.
I'm always fascinated by other peoples libraries.

Each one is a very personal compilation,
similar to a garden.

Which one would you pick from this small section
of my book garden ?
Nothing that interests you?
Stay tuned for the Book Garden II - III

**Click on each photo to view LARGE**


Chrisy said...

I feel quite at home with this book stack...think you'd feel quite at home with mine too! Not much energy here but feeling so much better and looking forward to enjoying every moment...Thank you for your lovely comments on my blog...your caring means a lot to me...love c

Tristan Robin said...

Well, some of those books look quite familiar ... have you been borrowing when I wasn't looking?

(love the little straw man!!!)

My Castle in Spain said...

Dear Judith,
i just love the phrase "book garden" and yours is very attractive to me!
oh..just for now i would love to leaf through these portraits of Black women in church hats...

also i want to thank you for your lovely words of support...I'm starting slowing to come back to the blogosphere and it feels really nice...Well actually, it would be really nice to rest in your book garden !

Kitty Shepherd said...

The advantage of a stack of books is that the pages don’t cockle when the weather is damp except for the uppermost ones. The disadvantage is that I always want the one at the bottom.

I like your “book garden” may your pages grow into many trees with a hundred leaves!

I am just creating a link from mine to you as your post has reminded me of a photograph I took of a “book garden” in a friend’s kitchen in Portugal with a very ingenious and resourceful twist.

Linda Starr said...

Love the idea of a book garden, I must go back and read some of the titles. My book garden, that is my garden books, amount to 17 boxes full and that's just the garden books. I do have two of a couple and I have two of a ceramics book, one I can give to my friend who is also a ceramist, so no problem there. Great post, looking forward to the next installments.

Di Overton said...

There's a few I would like to pick but I won't as I have just had to give hundreds away. We had a library in our house in the city but the cottage we live in now just hasn't the room for them :(

Leau said...

I'm reading Einstein in Love...guess which one jumped out at me? What a great variety to choose from, will you finish them all? You are a better woman than I! smooches

Carla said...

HI Judith, would be so hard to choose, I would love to look through them all. Much to learn.. Carla x

P.Gaye Tapp at Little Augury said...

A beautiful post- A book Garden- that you must ask your dear readers to credit you with. The Pope's Daughter is my pick, I think I perused this in a book review or somewhere-have you read it? GT

cotedetexas said...

we have all the same books. i have a lot of the same book esp. lately when i preorder the same book two or three times from amazon - makes me so angry! don't they know it's a mistake?