
Spring Journey

Journeys always hold the promise of the unknown around the bend.

Even after making a list and checking it twice ( and once more
for good measure) .... . .. there are always surprises.

I'm off for a little Spring Road Trip -
and hoping all the surprises will be of the delightful variety.

Back soon with lots of new adventures to share with you !

*** If you'd like to see more of the little Airstream and some previous travels:


Tristan Robin said...


is that fab silver beauty yours?!

I'm lovin' it!

have a fun and safe journey

Tess Kincaid said...

Godspeed! Happy Easter!

cotedetexas said...

love it - when are you going to drive that thing to Houston???

My Castle in Spain said...

Have a wonderful trip Judith !
this silver caravan is fab..
if it's yours, i'm deadly jealous !

ceecee said...

Happy trails! Got the fave hat packed? Relax and have fun.
Much love to you -

gina said...

Happy Trails. Have a safe and fun time.

studioJudith said...

Yes Yes Yes --- - that's my very own little Airstream: she's called the Silver Pearl.
I've just added a couple of links to some older posts, so do check out more of my Tres White Trash Travels!


Di Overton said...

Is that your Airstream? If so I am insanely jealous

Studio News said...

Aww!..The open road! Hope your trip is filled with many wonderful stops!

I'm a little jealous indeed.


Seth said...

I love your philisophy here! Hope the adventure is full of surprises!

Di Overton said...

I received your email and I am still envious. I have looked at the other links and it is so cool.

Chrisy said...

Envy you your gorgeous little airstream...have fun travellin...

Judy said...

I love airstreams - such a brilliant design. Would love to travel along in one of those - have a ball.

The Antiques Diva™ said...

Bonne Voyage!!! I envy you the airstream!
I loved the "rattlesnake breeding ground" sign mentioned in a later post. I grew up in Oklahoma and in the fields nearby our house we have many "dens" and as you rode your horse through the pastures you could hear the rattlesnakes singing!

Here, There, Elsewhere... and more said...

I love airstreams - both vintage and almost futuristic in design...
I'd love to travel the west coast of the US in one of those...so cool!!
J'adore :)