
Rattlesnake Memories

I can't say I actually ran into any girls who looked even remotely like these
babes on my morning stroll down main street in Williams, Arizona. This town is
the railway station for the three daily trains which make the two hour trip to
the Grand Canyon.

Though we won't be boarding one of those trains today , it did bring back
memories of a previous Canyon trip.

My first hike of the Canyon was a spring trip in which I hiked
(solo!) down the South Rim to the Colorado River and then up the North Rim
.... ... . 5 days in the vast beauty of this remarkable piece of the
American West.

My favorite trailside sign:
"Beware - Rattlesnake Breeding Area"

I ran ... .


vicki archer said...

5 days solo - esxcept for rattlesnakes - you are a true legend Judith, xv.

Ingrid Mida said...

I've never been to the Grand Canyon but I can imagine how beautiful and peaceful it is (except for those rattlesnakes!!). Five days of solitude - WOW!

Tess Kincaid said...

Wow! Hoping you're soaking up all the beauty and none of the rattlesnakes!

cotedetexas said...

are you still gone??? how fun!!!

Courtney said...

Wow... 5 days hiking the Grand Canyon solo with rattlesnakes. Judith, you are one brave and admirable woman!!