Whomever coined the term
Middle of Nowhere had probably just been to Marfa, Texas. For travelers accustomed to zipping up the east coast of the United States, one can easily rush through three states in one day. Not so with Texas. If El Paso looks like the end of Texas - just look south into that deep point near Big Bend National Park. I quickly figured that Marfa residents would have to travel at least 4 hours to get to store which sells fresh orchids. Based on the fact that I require fresh orchids in my life ... . . I will probably never be a resident of this remote and fascianting part of the planet. This tiny town (population 2,400) has a remarkably varied history.
Giant to No Country for Old Men
Donald Judd to a multitude of minimalist Wannabees
Chinati Contemporary Art to
Strange Roadside Attractions: Prada Marfa

Prada Marfa is in Valentine, Texas ... . about a mile north of Marfa. As far as I could tell, Valentine consists of a railroad crossing and this stomp-on-the-brakes surprise. That's the whole point. When you've driven for hours and seen nothing but a few random cows and a number of rusted out former gas stations, it's quite the shock. Actually, it's a tongue in cheek art installation done by
two German sculptors. And , of course, it's controversial among the locals. I'd heard of it and loved the concept, so I felt it would be a perfect photo op with the little silver bullet. There are lots of pics out there, but not a single one which included my little all American travel icon. We got out our maps and determined it would take 8 hours of virtual non-stop breakneck speed to arrive before sundown. Our calculations were precise. What we hadn't counted on was a broken down van with a lone confused rastafarian parked in front.
With 7 minutes of light left, my driver (aka - Dear Sweet Husband) knew what to do. He pulled up and quickly convinced him to move on ... . . in the name of Art.
[view large to see the reflected portrait and the bullet holes in the awning]
I also suspect he may have alluded to the fact that his crazy wife might become hysterical and throw herself in the dirt by the side of the road if she missed this long anticipated photograph.

The "inventory" of this store/sculpture includes 14 shoes (right foot only) and 6 handbags , personally selected by Miucci Prada from the 2005 collection.

Several hundred yards down the road called for another stomp-on-the-breaks snapshot.
By now DSH has become accustomed to my jumping from the car and running to the middle of a desolate road to snap another fleeting moment.
Love this great old motel sign. The actual structure has long vanished . Muchas gracias to those who made the decision to leave this reminder of another time.
Coming soon:
Beautiful downtown Marfa and the
Best Pizza You've Ever Had in a Broken Down Gas Station.
FANTASTIC - that Prada instillation is insane and I love it! xv
This is why I love blogging! You would never hear this on the news! Very cool info indeed!
That Tim's a keeper, I'm telling you. Cute, will pull over for pictures and can talk people out of said pictures. Lucky girl! smooches
Hello Marfa, Texas!
I'm finally catching up after a few days of rest and I've been so looking forward to seeing your photos - which turned out great. I've wanted to see Prada Marfa for some time. Funny that you get all the way out there in the middle of nowhere and there's a vehicle blocking the view. Murphy's law. I laughed out loud at the bullet holes in the awning. Just can't keep their guns in their holsters down there! I'm with you - a life without orchids, or in my case White Lilies, is not the life for me! I'm looking forward to the Pizza post - we're pizza crazy folks in this house! Enjoy yourselves!
Wow! What a curious place for the art installation - I love that it's out in the middle of nowhere! Thanks for this.
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