Looking back to the near (or far) past and reflecting on where
I've been seems to be an activity of the time between summer
and winter. Remembering other falls,
I've realized it's my favorite time to travel.
These images were all from a recent fall trip to
Scotland / England /
Ireland & the Isle of Man. Sailing the quiet coasts of these neighboring
islands was a perfect fall adventure. Plenty of time for exploring, as well
as simply reclining on deck and watching the changing vistas.
Yes, there were many photos of those changing coastal views and
treks down country roads. Not surprising.

What I found surprising , upon editing my photos ... . . was the number
of photographs which focused on literal reflections.
Mirror, windows ... . .. even a large glass trampoline!

I snapped the image of the brilliant polka dot jacket as I exited the shop.
I loved it. I wanted to make it mine ! Alas, it was not to be.
(Those with bodies above a size 6 need not apply)
The only way it would come home with me was through this pic.
I hadn't realized I was in the photo until I enlarged it and
found my hand & bracelet shown in the lower left corner.
The bracelet and the jacket are perfect together.
Both share a bit of whimsy .
And .. . . because of closer inspection of this reflection,
I'm happy to report that we'll always be together.
Notes on the above photos:
Image 1 : the Prestonfield Hotel / Edinburgh, Scotland
Images 2 & 3 : Glasgow - Museum of Modern Art & Armani Closer inspection of all these photos is suggested -
just click on each image to view LARGE.
*** I'll be taking off for a Fall adventure tomorrow.
See you next week , with a few current reflections.