
Heartfelt Thanks

Nothing can be the reminder of how much we depend on the presence of our bloglandia friends quite as acutely as a computer crash (and burn!). Mine had been balking at an overload of photos ... about 9,000 ... and finally just said "NO MORE." Three days later, all has been remedied and I'm catching up .

What a delight to find that Miss Catherine, at A Thousand Clapping Hands, had bestowed my little blog with a lovely award , A Superior Scribbler - no less. Gotta say , that concept made me giggle as I started this blog as images only and just recently started scribbling.

As with many blog awards, it comes with the requirement that I post the links and rules, along with my choices for the award.

- Each Superior Scribbler must in turn pass the Award on to 5 most-deserving Blog Friends.

- You must link to the author and name of the blog from where he/she has received the award.

- You must display the Award on your blog and link to THIS POST, which explains the Award.

- Each blogger who wins The Superior Scribbler Award must visit this post and add your name to the Mr. Linky List. That way, they will be able to keep up-to-date on everyone who receives this prestigious honor.You must post these rules on your blog.

- Each recipient must post these rules on his/her blog.


And My Winners' Are

Tara at Paris Parfait

Leau at Look What Leather Lips Sees and Says

Judith at Paris Atelier

Vicki at French Essence

Ruth Rae at My Creative Soul

Heartfelt Thanks .. .. .
to each of you for enriching my world by
sharing beautiful glimpses into your worlds
your hearts.

A little note on the Valentine Hearts above.
These were done last year, as part of my Recycling frenzy. I'd always loved the designs on our local Trader Joe's grocery store bags; so, I cut little hearts out of various pieces of the images on the bags - then embellished and layered the hearts with a bit of golden tulle and stitched them on black cardstock. These little ( 2.5 x 3.5 inches) cards were then hung on some apple tree branches as my Valentine centerpiece.


Unknown said...

Wow! Thank you for the award! I can't believe I just got mentioned in the presence of those other blogs, I mean Vicki Archer, she's like a hero to me! To me that's simply amazing! Thank you so much! I'll get to it ASAP! Congrats on your award, much, much deserved!
Best wishes

ceecee said...

Dear Superior Scribbler -

Love those hearts! Glad you got your computer up and running.

Looking forward to visiting Tara, Leau, and Ruth Rae and, of course my old pals Judith and Vicki!

Have a great week!

Leau said...

Thanks sugar! How lovely for you to include me with my fairy blog mother, Tara! I am honored to be in such good company. I am sooo glad you are back and moving forward. I love your TJ hearts, but then I love all of your art! Smooches

Tess Kincaid said...

Congrats on the award and on your cool, cool new header. Love it.

Chrisy said...

What a great idea for a valentine centrepiece!

gina said...

Judith my Lake Como Friend I have been "Book Tagged " and now I am tagging you. I hope yours is a book on Lake Como. Well it is quick and fun. Come visit my blog to find out. Thanks gina

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

Fantastic way to recycle TJ stuff!

vicki archer said...

Judith, thank you, thank you, thank you. I am most flattered and honoured you would think of me and include me in such wonderful company. I have added my name to Mr Linky list and will post shortly.

Anonymous said...

Like the hearts....Congratulations.