
In Situ at Chatsworth

Extraordinary sculpture in an extraordinary setting.
In situ at its best.

This would be the perfect moment to stroll the gardens of Chatsworth,
in Derbyshire UK. The Duke and Dutchess of Devonshire are hosting
Beyond Limits, a Sotheby's auction of monumental sculpture , with
30 pieces displayed on the grounds of their ancestral home
.. . through November 1.

I adore the contrast of the contemporary art displayed against
the backdrop of this historical setting.

Do take time to go HERE and see additional pieces, as well as hear
Simon Stock, of Sotheby's, interview the Duke. To learn more
about the artists and the featured pieces, there's also an excellent
article at the online art magazine -theartwolf.com .

As you may know, Chatsworth has several lovely cottages available to let.
Swiss Cottage is usually my favorite -- - quite remote, with it's own private
lake. But, I'm feeling more inclined to stay at the 16th C. Hunting Tower for
this visit. Great vistas overlooking the enchanting Capability Brown park.

Should you decide to join me ... . . I'll be the one strolling with
a parasol and a large white Borzoi.


Tristan Robin said...

Wonderful auction that would be! I especially love the head with garland sculpture - gorgeous!

I agree that I always find the Swiss Cottage most charming - I'm ever so fond of the bird wallpaper. So quaint.

vicki archer said...

They look totally wonderful...xv

Unseen India Tours said...

Some amazing shots that i have never seen before !! Fantastic post !! Great..Unseen Rajasthan

My Castle in Spain said...

Oh yes, this is an amazing venue for such an auction. The title is quite becoming "beyond limits".
i admired Chatsworth virtually in Pride and Prejudice...such a beautiful place
i'll gladly join you for a walk Judith!

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

I want those in my yard!!!

oiacaveman said...

the first sculpture is fantastic Judith... its like a modern, haunting version of the Rolls Royce "flying lady".

gina said...

Well I won't be able to attend but I definately enjoyed looking at the wonderful pictures. I do like the large rabbit.