
Bunnies & VooDoo Monsters

Inspiration . Creative Vision. Personal Expression.

I fell in love with these wacky creatures from the talented JunkerJane
and just had to share them with you.

Not your usual Easter Bunnies .. .. . . these have a bit of New Orleans
VooDoo undertone, along with a certain wide eyed innocence.
Just bring your own pins.
This lady pirate must have been lurking at the edges of
Marie Antoinettes' court . . . along with these heartfelt spooks.
(goodness knows, that court was full of intrigue and more than
a few villains!)

Once again, contrast and contradiction renders these babies
no less than totally endearing .

Folky Sophistication at its best.

photos copyright JunkerJane
[monster adoptions available at JunkerJane's etsy shop]


Tess Kincaid said...

These are fabulous! Such personality. Love 'em!!!

Ingrid Mida said...

Totally fabulous!

ceecee said...

I love these. They're just as I like my friends - kooky and eccentric. They're friendly too - in an odd sort of way!

studioJudith said...

Weird/Quirky/Kooky/Eccentric ... .
I love that Catherine nails the essence of why we all find them appealing: "just like I like my friends."
I can relate.


Unknown said...

How very cool! Such a clever idea!

Unknown said...

How very cool! Such a clever idea!

Courtney said...

The bunnies are rather irresistible with their strange, yet adorable appearance!