
Not Your Typical Christmas Card

This Margaret Bourke-White photo may be one of the greatest captures of all time. I just couldn't resist incorporating it in a bit of tongue in cheek commentary .. .. .. 'a la 2008 is looking more than a bit like 1929.
For some.
Past as Prologue and all that .

'Tis The Season ... . . to Share!


ceecee said...

I agree - in every way. I've found myself drawn to Walker Evan's photos lately. History repeats.

vicki archer said...

A very clever adaption from the past - makes us all think and that is surely not a bad thing, xv.

studioJudith said...

Thanks so much for your most thoughtful responses.
I was conflicted about this post.... . everyone seems so focused on just keeping the holidays light and lovely ; yet, in reality, we all see reminders that there are clouds over the sparkle.

K M F said...

i am here first time nice blog

Leau said...

You crack me up! Great image and of course there is that touch of red...